Saturday, January 24, 2009

It has been so long, and where do we go from here?

I have been thinking a lot about the direction of this blog. What's the point, why bother, etc. so forth. After a while, simply bemoaning the system and my personal health dilemma dashed with a little patient advocacy tips seems rather self absorbed. And, then, why don't I just write it in one of my binders. So, I am sitting back and reviewing how to reframe this activity, connect it more to the FB identity, and then there is Twitter. Everyone can write about themselves, the trick and purpose to writing publicly is to connect it to the rest of the world. That takes purpsoe

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Health Care Law Blog: WVHFMA: Consumer Driven Health Care

Health Care Law Blog: WVHFMA: Consumer Driven Health Care. More focus on Healthcare 2.0 What do people think about the impact of technology on healthcare?

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